We live in a tech-led world where a significant part of life revolves around electronics. With a slew of products in the market, you may at times feel lost. You may end up buying a product that doesn’t have the features you need, or even spend beyond your budget. Here’s a list of essential electronics products that you need, to get your day-to-day chores done.
Robot Vacuum
A robot vacuum is a good alternative to a traditional vacuum cleaner, and it allows you to return more often to the things you enjoy. A robot vacuum will clean most types of surfaces, from hardwood floors to carpeting. It is equipped with sensors that guide it over your floors for the most effective cleaning. And when it’s running low on battery or has picked up a full dirt bin, it returns to its charging dock.
Video Doorbell
Video doorbells are wired to the exterior of your home by the front door. They’re controlled by a smartphone app, so you can check to see who’s there from anywhere. Tap a button on your smartphone and speak through the doorbell’s mic. You can talk to your guest through the doorbell speaker or give them a thumbs-up or down to let them know whether you’ll be able to answer the door.
Smart Sprinklers
Smart sprinklers make it super-easy to set up an irrigation system that waters based on a specific schedule. You won’t have to stress about neglecting to water your plants or worrying about whether or not the sprinkler is still watering when you go on vacation. Smart sprinklers connect to your Internet and have a smartphone app that you can use to turn the watering on and off at any time, from anywhere.
Motion Sensors
Motion detectors can be used to watch for intruders, as well as to trigger lights and appliances in rooms where they may not want to be left on. A motion sensor is also used to prevent lights from burning out when you are out of the room while also saving you money.
Wireless Lighting Control System
A wireless lighting control system allows you to turn on and off your lights from anywhere in the house. This feature includes a main hub, one remote, and four smart bulbs. The main hub turns on and off the room’s lights connected to it with a tap of your smartphone or the included remote. Up to four smart bulb outlets can be connected to the room’s lights allowing them to be controlled using your smartphone or included remote.