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Simple Work From Home Tips

by pps-DUEditor

Working from home is  convenient, but making it work for you can be a challenge. It can also be isolating, overwhelming, and honestly just plain difficult. These tips will help you avoid some of the hurdles that come with working from home.

Declutter Your Workspace

Organize your home office to declutter your life and be more productive. Set up a system for storing files and papers to avoid clutter.  You can do this by using a filing cabinet, file folders, or a virtual filing cabinet. Clean up the technology in your office by uninstalling unnecessary or unused applications that would be considered digital clutter.

Dress up To Work

Don’t work from home in your pajamas. If you’re having trouble getting motivated, or staying motivated during the course of the day, change into an outfit that is suited to your desired outcome. If you want to be productive and focused, put on some kind of comfortable but professional clothes. Don’t work in an outfit that symbolically represents the opposite effect you are looking for, like baggy sweatpants or your university hoodie.

Take Breaks Regularly

When you’re working from home, it’s tempting to work too long without stopping. We all need breaks throughout the day. If you do take breaks, they don’t have to be a major interruption of your work. They can be as quick as stepping away from your computer or picking up your phone to check messages. There are plenty of ways to fill 5–7 minutes, including taking a short walk, stretching, eating a healthy snack, or petting your dog or cat.

Step Outdoors

It can be easy to get stuck inside your home office all day, but getting outside and working from a different space is highly beneficial. Take a break at least once a day to take in some air and sunlight for optimal motivation levels. Even speaking with the neighbors for a few minutes will help you feel more mentally and emotionally stimulated.

Set Rewards

Reward yourself for completing simple tasks. Everyone wants to feel rewarded, especially when they are working on projects that are important to them. By encouraging yourself to do what is important, you will be more likely to stay focused throughout the day. For example, if you got your home office organized, then reward yourself with a cup of tea once everything is put away.

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