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How To Prepare For Home Improvement

by pps-DUEditor

If you’re trying to complete a remodeling project, even if you’ve renovated before, there are always going to be some minor or even major issues that crop up that you may not anticipate or know how to deal with. That’s understandable, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to prepare for them – which is what this article is going to address.

Purchase a Key Lockbox

Why wake up early, drive to the building site, and let workers in? Key lockboxes avoid all this hassle. The device is basically a digital keypad you can attach to your front door or garage. You’ll get a set of code numbers that allow friends and contractors entrance in the future. You’ll have peace of mind, as anyone with the right number can enter even if you’re not home.

Spend Time at Home

Spending time in the space where you’re planning to renovate is a great way to get inspired, and even more important, it can save you from making some major missteps. Paint colors and furniture can look completely different on the walls than they do in the store or even on a chip. Even if you are certain of your tastes and color choices, the lighting of a room can have a dramatic effect on color.

Set a Realistic Timeline

Renovating your home isn’t a quick process, so be realistic about how long each milestone will take. For example, you might think it’ll just take a couple of hours to remove outdated fixtures in a bathroom (removal of the old tub and cabinets). But if you have to wait weeks for an updated tub and vanity to arrive, you may be living without a bath for weeks, not days.

Consider Unexpected Costs

In a perfect world, the renovation process would go as smoothly as possible with no hitches along the way. However, that is not reality, so you must set yourself up for the unexpected by preparing for bumps in the road and adding a reasonable budget increment to your timeline and budget for any additional items that may crop up.

Speak to Several Contractors

To make sure you find the right contractor for the job, do a little research and interview at least three or four different professionals. Be sure to ask about their experience and tell them what you want to achieve. If you don’t like what one says, keep looking until you find someone who can meet all of your expectations.

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